Uncreated Oneness, you are the silent listener in whom we move
In the vast empty spaces of the universe we see your beginningless reflection unifying and connecting the infinite

Before mystery all our created human speech,
Our flailing human thought and religious formulae remain more unlike you than they are like you.

But we search on for meaning because you are the why which the light of science doesn’t ask - the very reason that there is something rather than nothing.

Despite our ignorance seeking out a window to transcend itself,
We trust in the possibility of perfect good, of ultimate reality.
Because we do still believe that it is not from us this web of life originates.

We may have mastery but we are not in control.
We may have need for certainty but we never own it.
In ourselves we only own separation, suffering.. a shame.
But in surrender our goodness and innocence is restored to us.

You are Life, as death does not hold you back,
You are Unity, as separation evaporates before you,
You are Sinless, as shame disappears in you,
You are Authentic, as you endure both pain and abandonment.

Our personal stories unfold in his-story as we intuit how it is not enough to worship you. In some way, we are you, our highest Self, our Way, a Truth endlessly Living for us.

So who are you?

Not an ideology, a book, an institution, an experience, a tradition, or an empire. Not wrath. Not zeal.
Much more than morality.

You remain as the image of the invisible in our Lord Jesus Christ living right here inside around and beyond us, Amen Amen Amen.

© R.D.F 25/02/08

‘We are invited not to remember the events of the gospel but to be present at them … we are in God’s now, and this experience should transform our lives.

We do not seek to convince by argument, by logic, by any appeal to believe the unbelievable. We speak of what we know experientially. [This] does not make us slaves to a book … of an infallible prelate, or an academic process that reduces and deconstructs … created beings cannot understand the infinite.

Bigger! Further! Wider! Greater! God is beyond anything we can begin to understand with our finite minds. His paradise is not on the scale of a palm fringed Caribbean island. His thoughts are not confined to the Bible, nor to the canons; his presence is not confined to the church building.

To believe that our mental capacity is such that it could one day understand everything in the created universe, let alone the uncreated … is not a logical idea.’

© Gillian Crow, extracts from "Orthodoxy for Today" London SPCK 2008

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